The John Sebastian Marlow Ward Website

Other Individuals Associated with JSM Ward

About John Sebastian Marlow Ward
Early Life of J.S.M. Ward
Ward as a Medium & Spiritualist
Ward and Freemasonry
JSM Ward as a Historian
J.S.M. Ward as an Author
J.S.M. Ward and the Abbey of Christ the King
The Abbey Church in Barnet
The Folk Park
Ward and the Anglican Church
Ward and the Masonic Research Society
Churchill Sibley and the Orthodox Catholic Church
Ward and the Orthodox Catholic Church
The Abbey and the War
The Dorothy Lough Case
Mar Georgius and the Katholicate of the West
The Consecrations
The Consecration of Bishop Chamberlain
Ward driven from England.
The Community in Cyprus
Death of J.S.M. Ward
Ward's Work survives his Death
Key Associates of J.S.M. Ward
His Mystic partner, Jessie Ward
Life of John Churchill Sibley
Last of Ward's priests; Peter Gilbert Strong
Ward's son; John Reginald Cuffe
Other Individuals Associated with JSM Ward
The Spiritual Journey of J.S.M. Ward
Ward as a Mystic
Ward and the First Apocalypse
Other Key Apocalypses
Ward and the Return of Christ
The Legacy of J.S.M. Ward
The Basic Theology of J.S.M. Ward
WARD'S THEOLOGY; The Nature of God
WARD'S THEOLOGY: The Work of Salvation
WARD'S THEOLOGY; God's Great Plan
The Mystical Theology of J.S.M. Ward
During the 1920's the name of John Sebastian Marlow Ward was usually sufficient to open any door in the British Empire. A letter from Ward was received with respect, and usually ellicited a prompt response, no matter how eminent the recepient.
As a leading freemason he had links with the highest echelons of London Society; as a prominent author he was well-known in literary circles and as a leading economist, his advice was regularly sought by leading figures of both business and government.
When he left his position in the world to work for God, many of these associates lost interest in him. Others maintained their friendship for many years, and yet others only came to know him in this capacity. From among these came his most trusted disciples.
The following auxiliary list includes individuals from each category and should be studied in conjunction with previous accounts.

Reginald Ball 
Father Stephen, as he became known, together with his wife Grace, had long been supporters of Ward, when he was ordained shortly before Ward left England in 1946. This was done in order to ensure that those supporters who remained behind would have access to the services of the Church. He remained in charge of the Church of Christ the King in New Barnet till ill health forced his retirement shortly before his death in 1968.
William Martin Andrews
Father Anthony, as he became known was ordained by Ward to take charge of a small church at Bournemouth. After Ward's death he went to Cyprus to be consecrated Bishop by Chamberlain in 1951. Assisted by Father Stephen, he maintained the Orthodox Catholic Church in England in communion with Ward's successors Chamberlain and Strong until his death in 1978
Queen Mary
Museum Donor
Wife of King George V who took an interest in the Folk Park when it first opened in 1934, and donated a number of Victorian nicknacks soon afterwards. Although linked with Ward, she was actually closer to Ward's wife Jessie who, after the Queen died in 1953 spent some time with her on the Astral Plane.
Charles William Previte Orton
Fellow University Student
Poet and historian who was an associate of Ward's when both were at Cambridge. Previte (1877-1947) was reading History at St. John's College, when Ward was at Trinity College, and produced a volume of poems written between 1902-1906 or whch one, an eulogy to poetry was addressed to Ward. It begins;

`Ward, whence comes poetry and whence romance?

What is their charm upon us and the power

Wherewith they hold us in dream-girdled trance'

Doris May Ball
(Sister Ursula)
Member of Abbey
Eldest child of Father Stephen and Sister Grace, Sister Ursula joined the Abbey in 1940 and bore Ward his natural son John just before his death in 1949. Within the community she acted as organist and though now very frail, still remains one of its most beloved members at St Michaels, Caboolture.
Most Rev. Frederic E.J. Lloyd
Archbishop of American Catholic Church
Consecrated by Villatte in 1915, Lloyd succeeded him as Archbishop in 1920 and immediately began to reorganise the American Catholic Church. Among other things started what he called the Intecollegiate University for the training of clergy, and consecrated a number of new bishops. The most important of these were Archbishop Gregory Lines for the Province of the Pacific and Archbishop Churchill Sibley for the British Empire. It was SIbley who consecrated Ward, but he also held Lloyd himself in the highest regard. 
John Masefield
Poet Laureate 1930 - 67
Ward probably first met Masefield through Orton, and seems to have developed a fairly close relationship with him in the 1920's, that continued even after Ward's call to prepare the way for the Coming of Christ in 1927. It may be no more than a coincidence, but Masefield's famous play "The Coming of Christ" was produced in 1928. Soon afterwards, Ward apparently submitted a couple of his hymns to Masefield for appraisal, before they were published in 1930. Shortly before her death in 1965, Jessie Ward described his reaction to John Cuffe. Referring to what is now hymn number 36 ("We sought Thee O God in the realms of Light"), she said:. "He said it was the most perfect example (of poetry) he had ever seen, the other hymn was pretty good, but that, he said, was perfect." Ward apparently remained in contact with Masefield until Ward left England in 1946.

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Christ is Coming
For Further information
Contact:  Rt. Rev. John Cuffe
               St Cecelia's Orthdox Catholic Church
               Caboolture Qld 4510 Australia.
               Telephone  61 7 5495 3393
               web sites: